Episode 23_Create The Life You Want To Live - Gay Landeta

Gay has mastered the art of unlocking human potential using kinesiology and counseling. Gay's work is aimed at helping those who are either moving through a period of change, or those feeling like life just hasn't been the joy ride you feel it could be. This episode indicates how subtle the work is, but how groundbreaking the results are.

You can download her free eBook and try out the first module of Create Your Life, Dream, Plan and Unfold here:


Or have a look at her private sessions (in-person and on-line) here:


Mention BNMULTI20 and receive a bonus gift with any consult or program purchase.

👉Connect with Gay on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/gaylandeta/

👉Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Createthelifeyouwanttolive/

👉Linked In https://www.linkedin.com/in/gaylandeta/